AGENDA - Conservation Commission Hearings
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 7:00 p.m.
NOTE: ~Next Public Meeting Date TBD (Tuesday, September 16, 2008 is Primary Election Day)
Beach Committee – Present a status report on activites.
Fred Jackman (68 Green Street) – A continued NOI for roadway maintenance, drainage, ditches, utility pole installation and wetland mitigation at the junction of Emery Lane/Plummer’s Lane/Low Street. ~~On August 7, the Jackman’s requested a continuance – date TBD.
Liberti Sabatino Trustee/Meadowbrook Realty Trust (191 & 195 Scotland Road) – A continued NOI for the development of the 28-acre parcels of land, including construction of 1,650 fee of roadway and 21 cluster type lots.
On August 14, Ben Osgood from N.E. Engineering on behalf of requested a continuance – date TBD.
Michael Kellan (8 39th Street) – A continued NOI to construct a single-family home and to extend driveway on the ROW to provide access to the subject property. On August 12, Apple Associates on behalf of Michael Kellan requested a continuance – date TBD.
Carol Brown Doyle (17 Sunset Drive) – A continued NOI to add a 250 sf deck.
Berj & Antonia Terzian (90 Northern Blvd.) – A continued RDA to construct a 9’ X 30’ upper level bedroom, and a deck expansion over existing lower level. On August 14, the Terzian’s requested a continuance – date TBD.
Christine Bellorado (13 51st Street) – An RDA to construct a 4’X4’ platform with stairs to an existing deck.
Jennifer Blanchet (4 Island Lane) – An NOI to raze existing single-family and re-construct a new single-family residence.
Daniel Boucher (4 44th Street) – An RDA to remove and replace exterior walls and roof.
Don Delorey & William Burns (52 Old Rowley Road) – A NOI to construct single-family dwelling with associated utilities.
Town of Newbury (Central Street/Parker River) – An RDA to repair the weir at the Central Street culvert in partnership with Mass. Division of Marine Fisheries.
Kettie Laky (25 Riverview Drive) – An RDA to rebuild existing deck of an approximate size of 50 square feet.
Extension Permits:
Joyce Vining Morgan (81 Northern Blvd.) – A request for extension of DEP File# 050-823 to construct a single-family home.
David Sorenson (83 Old Point Road) – DEP File# 050-804 to construct a single-family home. ???
Certificate of Compliance:
Gerald Fandetti (17 Southern Blvd.) – DEP File# 050-772 to construct a single-family home.
Paul Gerroir (24 16th Street) – DEP File# 050-703 to convert existing garage into living space, construct a second-floor and re-construct a screen porch.
John McCarthy (22 Independence Way) – DEP File# 050-609 to construct a single-family home.
Richard Johnson (24 & 28 main Street) – DEP File# 050-685
Other Business:
1. Bill Jordan (13 Fatherland Drive) –
2. Interviews for Conservation Commission; Open Seat
3. Local Filing Fees